Parish School of Religion

2024-2025 PSR Information

As parents/guardians, we know you take seriously the commitment you made when your children were baptized. Teaching your children about our faith first comes from home. Providing them with the opportunity to attend Sunday Mass and PSR is also a very important part of their religious education. Developing a relationship with God begins with better understanding our faith. We are here to support you in the religious education of your child and we thank you for allowing us to help your child continue to grow in their faith. As they study in PSR and bring home materials they learned about in class, please review with them and discuss. This will help you open doors for discussions about our wonderful faith. We know that this year of PSR will be a positive experience for your family.


It is important that you stress to your child the importance of regular attendance. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm. The doors will open at 6:00 pm for each class. We cover a lot of material in our time together, so please make sure your child does not miss. We do ask that any child(ren) that does not feel well or is showing symptoms for sickness to remain at home. If for any reason you are unable to attend class, please let us know by emailing


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at any time. You will find the full PSR schedule & the registration form online at In order to make it easier for families, you can fill the registration form out on the computer and email it back to the email address above. Payment can be mailed/dropped off to the Parish Office or through Venmo to @StAnthony-Lorain.


We look forward to an exciting year of PSR.  God Bless you and your family!

Kathleen Obermiller – Parish Catechetical Leader/PSR Principal


Important Links:


2024-2025 PSR Schedule


2024-2025 PSR Registration Form